
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: work related expenses

As we were doing our taxes this past weekend, my husband was doing the entering and I was doing the reading. When we got to "work related expenses" he was diligently entering the money on clothes, shoes and travel he did for work.  This had me thinking: where's the section for MY work related expenses???

Top Ten Tuesday- 10 things a stay-at-home mom should be able to claim as "work related expenses"

1. Wine, obviously.

2. Caffeine: whatever your pleasure is.  This is again, obviously, a necessity.

3. Hair colorings.  Whether it is by the box or at a salon.  Gray hairs come naturally with children.  We need to cover these up so we can continue to pretend we are not getting older.

4.  A very good concealer.

5.  Black yoga pants.  Some nice ones.

6.  Memberships to kid places: the zoo, children's museum, yadda, yadda.  We need to entertain these kids some how and at times, I just run out of ideas. 

7.  Running shoes.  So I can run and stay I don't run away ;)

8. A DVR...because a mother can never watch a show she likes when her kids are awake.

9. Tylenol.  For all things headache related.

10. Date nights once a month.  Babysitter, a nice dinner, a cute new outfit, and some cocktails.  So a mother can have a night away to rekindle with daddy and come home refreshed for a at least a few hours where more of #1 will be needed.

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