
Thursday, January 31, 2013

The birth of a rebel

Today is pea #3's birthday.  My little Hannah is now a "big girl" she says.  She can "do what she wants."  Great!
Hannah is hilarious, cracks me up every day.  In honor of her birthday, I created a little acrostic poem for your reading pleasure.
H- has her own opinion
A- always independent
N- never leaves her brother and sister's sides
N- needs to take her blanket everywhere
A- attitude galore
H- has had my heart from day one :)
Even though I will probably have to glue her windows shut when she is a teen so she doesn't sneak out, I still love this little pea with all my heart and soul.  She is caring, feisty, smart and funny.
Happy 3rd birthday Hannah Emily!!

Someday you'll show the world who's boss....and I couldn't be prouder <3 <3


  1. I love love love this post. All those baby pictures!?! Too precious for words. Happy birthday to my favorite littlest pea!!!!

  2. this is so sweet, and it brought tears to my eyes!!! I love y'all very much and wish deeply that i was closer so we could know your peas and love them even more! Happy birthday hannah! Your auntie lexi and cousin astrea love you very much!!!! And ditto to the others of the thomas clan!!!!! Xoxoxoxoxo love, alexis

  3. this is so sweet, and it brought tears to my eyes!!! I love y'all very much and wish deeply that i was closer so we could know your peas and love them even more! Happy birthday hannah! Your auntie lexi and cousin astrea love you very much!!!! And ditto to the others of the thomas clan!!!!! Xoxoxoxoxo love, alexis


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