
Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Color Run!

This Saturday my friend's Courtney, Breanne and I ran the infamous Color Run up in Tempe.  We ran with a group of bloggers and it was quite an adventure!!
It never rains in Arizona.  In the off chance that it does, it rarely lasts more than a few minutes and almost always in the afternoon.
Well the weather gods were not in our favor this weekend because we woke up to a torrential down pour and it just steadily got worse as we got closer to Phoenix. 
We had some ADORABLE white outfits picked out: white knee high socks, our cute blogger t's and our awesome handmade tutus.  Short sleeved shirt and shorts.  When wouldn't this be appropriate in Arizona??  On Saturday.
Here's our starting line picture.  Very rainy!

Here's Courtney and her sister Breanne.  Still feeling the Color Run love!

The Color Run!

 Here's the whole group of us, getting ready to go!  Cute tutus, eh??

We ran the rainy, colorful race in about 30 minutes.  We waded through knee high puddles and over muddy hills; and no, this was not an obstacle race.  We were blasted with thick, chunky plods of color.  I think it's suppose to normally be more of a powder.  Well, water mixed with it made the consistency quite different!
 We still had a blast.  We had to wait awhile for some of the others in the group to finish, which was when we got really cold.  I mean, so cold, we couldn't feel our hands for probably a good three hours later.

Here's our adorable Color Run nails and smurf hands!

After having the most joyous experience of changing out of those drenched clothes, my feet had transformed into zombie feet.  Eating at In and Out was hilarious.
Overall, we had an awesome time!  I would most definitely run this again...I would just PRAY for a sunny day!  Any temperature, just no rain!!
Another run in the books...and one with a now-hilarious story (but if you had asked me about it while I was shivering soaking wet under an underpass like a homeless person, I would have had a different response ;).


  1. Running with umbrellas is hilarious to me, I don't know why. At least you all looked adorable :)

  2. I still cannot get over your feet!!! I thought we ran the Color Run, not the Zombie Run ;) Although I do think we should add the Zombie Run to our must run list.


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