
Friday, January 25, 2013

Happies and Crappies- 1st edition!

I was invited by my good friend and fellow blogger Courtney over at what's up with the wilhelms to link up do do this weekly blog about all the great and not-so-great things that happened to me this week, adorably titled "Happies and Crappies". 
So without further a-do, here is my 1st edition of Happies and Crappies!
- This weekend I spent an awesome three days away in Vegas with my two lovely Wives's Club ladies! It was a great time away from my regular job as "mom" and a time to relax and have fun.  We danced, drank, walk, people watched, ate a ton and played the slot machines.  All of this with out any littles following me around.
-Coming home to my peas and Mr. Pea.  Yes, I realize I just described a wonderful weekend away from the ordinary, but as much as I love a break, I do love coming home.
- I made all my to-do lists for Hannah's 3rd birthday party.  Have I started crossing items off yet??  Not quite, but this week I will be busy doing so.
- The Color Run preparations!!!  Tomorrow I will be running in a stream of color and joy; all while wearing our handmade tutus. Is there really anything better than a tutu?? I don't think so.  I also rainbow painted my nails for the occasion.  We are going to look amazing out there!!  I cannot wait!
- We got our taxes done.  Hooray!
- Two more sick kids.  Not as bad as Abby was last week, thankfully.  Low fevers and a dang cough.  Poor muffins.  Jake had to miss one day of school and he was sad about it.  Hopefully after a restful weekend, they will be on the mend.
- I didn't get as much running in as I wanted to this week.  I am hopeful that next week will be better. :)
Less crappies and more happies...I think that makes for a pretty good week, eh??

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!!!! I love happies and crappies!!! Cannot wait for our run :)


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