
Thursday, April 11, 2013

"It's ok" Thursdays {link up!}

Its Ok Thursdays
This is a link up with two great bloggers over at A Complete Waste of Makeup and Brunch with Amber!!
It's ok.....
to be massively excited about your new over the range microwave! (It takes up less space and looks great!)
to be secretly excited to have your son's t-ball practice be canceled this week just because you are sick of driving around.
to ruin your day's run and additional workout with a big bowl of ice cream after the kids are in bed. (it is, right?!? I guess as long as it isn't everyday.)
to feel like you want to sell your kids to the circus every now and again.
to go through your kid's artwork and not keep every piece (there is just too much!)
to be excited for your husband to work late on occasion so you can watch 7 episodes of Days of Our Lives in a row and eat that above stated ice cream.
to sip on a glass of wine while making the kids dinner.
to fill up that glass again when they are finally in bed!
to wear make up
to be sad your date night got canceled...AGAIN! Some day Mr. Pea, we WILL get out!
to be so excited about blogging for Totsy, and also be nervous: what if they think I suck??
to repaint your finger nails almost everyday because when you do two loads of dishes, they chip off :/
to always remember this: (it's great advice)

1 comment:

  1. Excited about a microwave...:D Heck I've been excited over a new toilet seat and new shower head. I figured it was just me tho.


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