
Friday, April 12, 2013

Happies and Crappies #6 {link up}

Scissors and a Whisk: Happies and Crappies Link Up

Happies and Crappies week #6!

Happy Friday!

This was a pretty good week.  Now that the kids are back in school, it's been nice to try and get things back to normal and in our usual routine.  Here is my week in a golden, sparkly nutshell :)


- Forever ago, I filled out an application to be a guest blogger for Totsy (the daily deals site) and this week I heard back that they would like me to work with them!!!  I'm sure they have many guest bloggers, but this is my first time ever doing this and I am over the moon!  I think it would be so neat to have readers from all over read my work in a big-named blog! (at least bigger than mine).  My submit date is later this month, so stay tuned to see it published!
- Last week, our microwave broke.  Granted we have had it for about 13 years...BUT it was still annoying...but only for a few days because then we bought a new one that goes above the range.  It looks awesome and makes the kitchen look like new!  Next we want to replace the range for a stainless steel one as well as the dishwasher..but alas, one thing at a time :)
(My handsome Mr. Pea personally installed this and was very proud of his work...and so was I!!)
- My friend Stacey and I FINALLY had some free time to take a stroll to Starbucks and to the park with the littles.  It was so nice to catch up!!
- I have ran 4 times this week so far, which is the most consistent I have been able to run over the last few weeks.  I am focused on getting back on track and fitting my runs in!
- My friend Courtney and I started our new favorite tradition: rinner!!!  Rinner is a nice run and dinner afterwards.  Sounds like a perfect combo to me!  This rinner was especially nice because it was happy hour and we had some delish margaritas as well.
After a four mile hilly run, these ritas' tasted perfect.  Can't wait until our next rinner date!
- In February, a group of us ran the Tough Mudder.  Mr. Pea, myself and two of our other friends completed the race in 2 hrs and 59 minutes, which we thought was decent at the time but nothing too special.  WELL it turns out that it was pretty darn special and that our time was in the top 5% and that we qualified for the World's Toughest Mudder event which is a 24 hour version of the original 12-mile course.  What?!?! Not quite sure I want to tackle that but it still pretty bad-ass that we qualified. 
BAMF all the way.
- We made the final stone selection for Mr. Peas' brother today.  His marker won't be installed for a bit, but I am still glad it is in the works.  It will look nice and will be the final piece in this difficult puzzle.  We chose some traditional emblems and phrases and also some special ones to us: the letters of Mr. Pea's and his brother's college fraternity Pi Kappa Phi and also a phrase that meant a lot to us and has an inside meaning; "I regret nothing!".  I am looking forward to making some additional stones for his place to make this all complete.  Only when all the difficult decisions have been made is when the heart can begin to heal <3
- Mr. Pea and I had our 6 wedding anniversary last month and it fell smack in the middle of us dealing with our family issues, so obviously this fell by the way side.  We tried to reschedule our much overdue date night for this week, but it wasn't a possibility.  Hopefully we can find some time soon for a nice and now very belated anniversary dinner!
More happies than crappies makes for a good week!  I hope you all had the same.

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