
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Say my name {link up}


This is a link up with Stephanie, Amber and Amanda!
The story behind my blog title is pretty self-explanatory.  I have three kiddies, also known as my peas (get it, three peas in a pod?? ha), and this blog is about our life; hence My Three Peas.  I like to blog about a variety of things: the ups and downs of being a mother and all the fun and not so fun things we do everyday.  Also,  I like to sprinkle in some of my other passions like crafting, recipes, running and DIY. 
I began my blog after much deliberation.  I created the title on Blogger almost a year before I began writing it.  I thought it sounded fun but figured no one would want to read it so why bother?? My mother said it would be a great idea and that she would love to read it.  Fast forward to about 6 months and my mom, who was my only parent I had ever known, passed away very unexpectedly from stage 4 breast cancer.  When I finally decided to write it took a little pushing from my friend Courtney and some inspiration in my ear from my mama...and thus, My Three Peas was born!
Blogging is a like an escape for me.  Being a stay at home mom (former teacher) very little time in my day is devoted to ME.  Writing my blog is my hobby and I enjoy doing it!  It also helps to keep my family, whom reside in Massachusetts, up to date on our lives.
In honor of My Three Peas, here are some pictures of my three peas: Abigail, Jacob and Hannah.

Thanks world for reading my blog! Someday, I hope my peas enjoy it as well.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love seeing pictures of your kids as babies! Glad you started My Three Peas, I love reading it!


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