
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Happies and Crappies #4

The Vintage Modern Wife: Happies and Crappies Link Up
It's Happies and Crappies time!!
Happy Friday everyone! How was your week??  Here is a sneak peak into mine:
- I FINALLY got my link up button to work!!! Yahooo!!! Thanks Nicole!
- I finished the Tough Mudder!! Whoo-wooo!  I am SO glad it's done and over with, haha!  It was challenging, both physically and mentally.  As I was running in the FREEZING, and I mean FREEZING weather soaking wet, I told my husband "I am NEVER doing this again!".  Now that I am thawed out, I realize that I actually would like to do it again- ONLY in a warmer climate!  Like in the middle of the summer. happy and full of aspirations

Mr. Pea...ready to go

WTF just happened and why can't I feel my body?? And why is my shirt 3 sizes bigger??

Mr. Pea and his bestie...these faces explain it all :)
- Jacob had Kindergarten Round Up!!  This is a day in the spring where up and coming kinder families can come and meet the teachers and learn what kindergarten will entail.  This is my second baby to go to kindergarten so we know all the tips and tricks but it still is very exciting.  We have the BEST kinder team at our school and we are looking forward to the upcoming year! 
Look at this pea!  All excited...and still holding his little monkey that he has loved since he was born :)

Getting acquainted to the tables in kinder!

Jacob met Comet the Coyote!  He was so excited!
- I have ANOTHER race this Saturday- The Dirty Girl Mud Run!  This will be SO fun and I am praying for a warmer morning :)  I am running with a group of gals that are doing this for the first time, and I am so honored to be with them on their flagship race.
- I ran 80 miles in the month of February!  That gives me a total of 144.8 for the year towards the goal of hitting 1,000 by the end of 2013.  I am aiming for at least 90 miles in March, let's see about that!
- Mr. Pea insisted I get a pedicure and a massage yesterday! WOW! What a treat!  I hadn't had a pedi since Jan 30, 2010 (the day before I had Hannah) and hadn't had a massage since I was preggers with Jacob, so bother were overdue!  It was AH-mazing and my toes look AH-dorable. Thanks Mr. Pea!  
- Jacob got his first ear infection this week :(  He had to miss school yesterday and was so sad about it.  I hate when my kids are sick!  A warm up is around the corner so hopefully these sick buggies can get the f*%& out of here!
- I didn't lose any weight this!  I have 6lbs I'd like to lose.  I was VERY sore after the Mudder so I pretty much took it easy this week...which meant no running...which meant to a zero pound weight loss.  Tomorrow I'm going to be hitting the treadmill since Mr. Pea is working, unless I can find a babysitter!!! Any takers?!?!
I hope you had a great week too!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm still so proud of you for running the mudder. Also your happy of kinder roundup appeared on my list as well, only as a crappie! Haha. No ready for goodbyes yet.


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