
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Things I miss

This Tuesday, I decided to write about some things I miss...and not to bring everyone down this fine day, not all are sad ;)

Oh wait, it's not Tuesday?!?  Okay, just disreguard the "Tuesday" part.

Things I miss:

1. My mom: Obviously. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her.  She was such a HUGE part of my life and it's still an adjustment going day-to-day without here, even a year later...but I'm figuring it out.

2. My brother-in-law: Losing him very suddenly this March was tough on everyone, especially my husband.  Also losing two family members in two years has started to make Abby think about death and being sick more, which I don't like.  You want to shelter your kids from this very adult topic, and it's impossible to after you lose two close people.  I've been busy assuring her that "being sick" does not equate itself to "dying".

3. My metabolism: I sure do miss her...she was great.  Allowing me to eat whever I wanted, whenever I wanted any always looking slim and trim.  Now I eat dinner and gain a pound and have to run for a week straight to lose that one pound.  Why did you have to leave me??

4. My Peaches-in-cream barbie: She was beautiful and I loved her.  Her peach sparkly dress and 80's hair...she could do no wrong.
Love her.  All glamour with a side of sass. Gorg
5. My bestie Ali: She lives in California and I don't get to see her too often now a days.  We met 100 years ago in college when I came to AZ and we both worked at starbucks.  After she forgave me for working on crutches after falling off of a stage while drunk, we became fast friends.  She has the cutest little boy too.  I am looking forward to it being summer so we can see eachother! (oh and BTW, she too had the peaches-in-cream barbie!  Friends forever!)
We just took this picture yesterday.....ok, I'm obviously lying, I'll never be that skinny again :(
6. My family: All my family is in Boston and I miss them dearly!  My brother, sister, sis-in-law and two neices and two nephews are the them all to pieces!  Hopefully someday, fate will allow us to move closer, or for one of us to win the lotto so we can at least visit!
This was Nov. 2011, the last time all the cousins were together.
7. My state: need I say more??  Everyone that knows me from AZ knows how I feel about this state, so I don't think I need to share any details.  I'm a yankee till I die!
8. My three high school besties: Kate, Melissa and Tara.  All are happily married now to three amazing guys, Kate has one baby and one on the way, Melissa is preggo with her first and Tara and her man just bought their first house!!  I pray, again, that I am able to come home soon and meet these two new-to-be-born baby beans and see Tara's new home, which I am sure is nothing short of gorgeous.  Has it REALLY been 14 years since we were driving around all night aimlessly and jumping off the bridge singing "Free Falling"?  How can that be?? We are old.
This from Senior year...aren't we all so cute?  from left to right: me, Kate, Kim, Melissa and Tara.  I still have that shirt and occasionally wear it to bed, don't judge me.
9. My patience.  I seem to used to have more patience with my first born...I don't know where it went.
10. Date nights:  It seems like for the past few months Mr. Pea and I haven't been able to go out at all.  I miss grown up time, I miss being social outside the house, I miss ordering drinks off the adult menu.  Come back, date night!


  1. I had the same peaches and cream barbie!! I had completely forgotten about her.
    And yes, metabolism is surely missed after you hit 30, or 25, in my case! Sigh.

  2. I too had peaches and cream Barbie, I loved that doll, best one ever made. Also I too miss my metabolism and date night, what's that shopping with the spouse for an upcoming birthday? Lol! I've really enjoyed your blog


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