
Friday, April 19, 2013

Happies and Crappies #7 {link up}

The Vintage Modern Wife: Happies and Crappies Link Up
This is not the best week for's difficult to find the silver lining amid such sadness and tragedy but if there is one thing that we can take away from these events is that we certainly live in the greatest of all nations and that we WILL stay strong and we WILL overcome.
- Being MA born and bred, the Marathon Bombing weighs on my soul.  I just hate not being home, not being able to comfort my sister who was two blocks away when the bombs went off, not being about to sit with my sister-in-law who worries about her husband and my brother who is a local police officer.  Why then is this a "happies"??  It's a happy because we have an amazingly strong family and no distance not events can tear us apart.  Our mother raised us well.  
- Being glued to CNN and Twitter this morning, I am reminded that we are SO lucky that these events are truly "shocking" because there are so many countries and places in the world that manhunts, bombings, shoot-outs and chaos are daily events.  I am grateful to be an American and a Bostonian and even more grateful that my children are being raised just as strongly in this country.
- Since Monday this Mr. Rodgers' quote has been seen a lot:
It is imperative to look for the good in these situations and Mr. Rodgers' mama hit the nail on the head.  Runners giving blood after running 26.2 miles, random people tearing down guardrails to get to the injured, police and military working tirelessly to figure out who did this and catch these SOB's, and the brave firefighters in Texas, sacrificing it all to save those plant workers.  We need to focus on THESE people and not those loons.  People want "answers" but no answer will ever be good enough. We are a good people, with strong hearts and we need to remember just what it means to be an American.
- I was lucky enough to go on two field trips this week with two of my peas.  I am so grateful for the ability to be home to share these moments with them...seeing how there are so many mama's that don't.
- Need I be specific here??  3 lives lost in the bombing, one officer dead, 150+ injured, 12 dead in Texas.  It's been the worst heart is heavy.
Stay strong Boston.  Stay strong Texas.
America: be kind to one another.  Give blood, donate money if you can.  Hug your family, friend and kiddies.  We will make it though this and will be even stronger on the other side.
How do I know this??  We are American, for Pete's Sake!!!  Greatest country on Earth.

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