
Sunday, February 17, 2013

And the winner is...

I am so very excited to do my first giveaway!!  This is a big step for my and my little bloggy.  I am so happy to spread my craft love with the world!

I had a few people that couldn't comment on the blog due to technical difficulties so I put everyone's name on a slip of paper and put them in a bowl and picked a winner.  I was honest, promise!!

Drum roll please.......and the winner is...

Anabelle Pearson!!

Yay, I am SO happy for you!!!  Anabelle was Abby's kinder teacher and better be Jacob's teacher this coming year. ;)  She is a fellow blogger as well. Her blog is called Keeping Up With the Pearsons and she writes about her adorable kiddies.

Now, she just needs to pick a color!

I have another giveaway in the works, so stay tuned :)  Thank you to everyone who participated!

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