
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Reasons I love Shopping Alone

Tomorrow is grocery shopping day and David is off so you know what that means....I GET TO SHOP ALONE! Yippee!!

In celebration, here's my Top Ten reasons I LOVE shopping alone:

1.  It  takes half the time.
2.  I don't have to talk to anyone if I don't feel like it.
3.  I can get a Starbucks and actually DRINK it before it gets cold and/or the ice melts.
4.  I don't HAVE to go to the toy/Christmas/Halloween/Valentine aisle.  *Now I may CHOOSE to, but no one is asking me to buy some sh*t we don't need while I am browsing.
5. No one asks me to buy cookies.
6. No one knocks my coupon binder onto the floor.
7. I can use a regular human-sized wagon and not a twelve seater at Target or a ghetto car one at Fry's.
8. I can go down the aisles without the sound of whining or complaining..."are you done yet??" when I am trying to compare and contrast the best deals.
9. I can quickly speed past the other moms with annoying kids and think to myself, "lucky me!!!!".
10. I can actually ENJOY myself.  Yes, ENJOY.  If you don't have kids, you may not understand this, but it is true. Shopping without children is like a mini-spa vacation for moms.  It's the best. :)

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