
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday (a day late)

Yea, I get that it's Wednesday but this week and next are crazy busy for me.  I have taken up a second home at my kid's school, so I am a bit behind on my blog...don't worry, I'll catch up :)

Here's my Wednesday Edition of Top Ten Tuesday:

Ten things you would never hear my kids say:

1. I know it's bedtime, and you are tired and want to have a glass of wine so I am going to get in my bed and not get out until morning.

2. I am going to play with all my toys all day long because I love them so much and I'm not at all bored with them.

3. I just heard you say "please clean up your toys" so I did it the first time you asked.

4. You made a new supper tonight??  I can't wait to eat it all up!

5. Since it's Saturday, I am going to sleep until 8:00 am, ok?

6. No, I don't need any band-aids tonight, but thank you anyways.

7. I was finished with my blocks but wanted to play with my dolls so I put them away before I took my new toy out.

8. No thanks, I don't need those (cookies, crackers, toys, stickers, candies, popsicle...etc...) right now, you can save your money.

9. You want to do THREE errands in a row?!?!  I can't wait!!!

10. I am not concerned with how many days until Christmas there are...I know the true Christmas spirit is about more than presents...

Happy Wednesday all!

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