
Friday, December 21, 2012

Snowflakes for Sandy Hook

Today marks one week since last Friday's horrific tragedy in Connecticut.  I'm sure like every mother or teacher, I have felt a hole in my heart since this day.  Even though I didn't know these babies or their families, I still can't help but thinking of them everyday.  It could have been my daughter's first grade classroom.  It could've been anywhere.  It's a scary feeling. 
It was hard to put Abby on the bus the following Monday.  Not because I am worried about her at school.  She goes to an amazing school with amazing teachers and in an amazing district.  But these kids, too, went to an amazing school with amazing teachers.  This type of event, brings to light the harsh reality of how short life is; and of how quickly it can be taken away.  One of the things I would like to keep in the for front of my life for 2013, is this fact, and to really cherish every moment with my kids. 
I have prayed every day for these families.  For the families of the babies lost, for the families of the teachers and for the families of the kids that survived, since they know have had their innocence taken from them far too soon.  I pray for all of them to find peace some day. 
I didn't tell my kids about this and haven't let them watch the news about it.  I think they are just too young and I didn't want them, and especially Abby since she is the same age, to have fears going to school.  Plus, Mr. Pea and I plan on shielding them from these any all horrors as long as possible.  No child should have to know these tragedies, which is, of course, which makes this one especially difficult.  I have, however, been wanting to do something to help.  I didn't know what do to.  Then I saw this post on the blog The Handmade Home and I knew this was something that we could do.

When the kids from Sandy Hook go back to school in the new year, they will be going to a school in another town.  The Connecticut PTSA is wanting to decorate it in a winter wonderland of snowflakes for all the kids to have some joy as they attempt to progress on in their life.  They are asking for people to help make paper snowflakes to hang in the school.  I think this is wonderful idea.  Hopefully these little snowflakes sent from far away, will help remind these kids and teachers that they are not alone in their grief; that the whole country morns with them.
This afternoon, I plan on making some snowflakes with my kids to sent to Sandy Hook.  I haven't quiet decided on what I am going to say to them on WHY we are doing this.  I'll probably say something to effect of "there are some kids at a school far away that were hurt and these snowflakes are going to help to make them happy again." and leave it at that. 

If you would like to make some, here is some info on their PTSA website:

The address you will send them to is:
Connecticut PTSA, 60 Connolly Parkway, Building 12, Suite 103, Hamden, CT 06514, by January 12, 2013.

Here are some more places for ideas for snowflakes:

I will be working on these this weekend, and pics will follow!!  I hope this small thing can bring even one smile to any of those little boys and girl's faces, because that is the least they deserve after all of the sadness they have endured.  If you make some, send me some pictures and maybe I'll make another blog showing everyone that helped!

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