
Thursday, November 1, 2012

The best pumpkin roulade EVER!

Yup, I said it.  This recipe is SO good and pretty easy to make.  I make a few a year starting now and through Christmas.  It's a staple dessert along side my pies at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  This recipe is adapted from the original Canyon Ranch pumpkin cream cheese roulade (which is just so much more fancy-nancy than just a "roll"). My husband in his younger days worked there in the dining room along with about 90% of his friends, so I had to get a hold of the recipe since it was SO good. And the original recipe is actually described as "nutritious and delicious", seriously!  I'm sure if one followed the 1/18th of the roulade serving suggestion then you'd be all set. The recipe is fairly basic and probably uses stuff you already have in your pantry, except the canned pumpkin.  It requires very little technique to do.  So, when Abby's class was having a pumpkin tasting day, I knew what I was going to make.  I also knew that her teacher, who is pregnant, would also enjoy the leftovers :)  Here's my recipe!  Enjoy!

Pumpkin Cream Cheese Roulade
1c canned pumpkin
1c sugar
2 eggs
2 egg whites
1 c plus 2 T all-purpose flour
1/4 t salt
1 1/2 t baking soda
1 1/2 t cinnamon

1 c cream cheese (room temp)
2 T butter (room temp)
1 t vanilla extract
3/4 c powdered sugar

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.  While the oven is heating up, prep your pan.  This recipe calls for using a 13"X20" cookie sheet with at least 1/2 in lip.  I just use my turkey roasting pan.  Spray with non stick spray and then line with wax paper and spray again.
Mix the pumpkin, sugar, eggs and egg whites.  Beat at medium speed for 3 min, then add the dry ingredients and mix well.  When you are done, you will have this deliciousness:
yum :)
Pour it into the pan and you will have to spread it around since it's such a thin cake. Bake for 12-14 min. When done, let cool for a few minutes in the pan and then invert onto a clean kitchen towel while still warm and peel off your wax paper.
To flip it, I like to take it out of the pan by holding the wax paper and then place it on a large towel, and then place another towel on top and flip it that way.
Ta-da! Pumpkin cake!  Now, while it's warm, roll the cake up IN THE TOWEL and let cool completely, seam side down.  I usually put it in the fridge.
When you are ready to make the filling, be sure that your cream cheese and butter are at room temp.  This should be the case almost all the time when you are baking, except when making crusts. I learned that interesting baking fact when I was taking "foods class" in high school.  It was a glorified home-ec...and the BEST class EVER! :) But I digress...
In your mixer, mix the filling ingredients well until they are light and fluffy, at least 4 minutes. Unroll your cake and pour the filling in the middle.  Spread around, keeping a larger amount in the center.
Then, roll your cake up with the filling inside.
You may need to redistribute the filling as you roll.
When it's rolled up, wrap in plastic wrap and let chill over night or at least for a few hours, seam side down.  After cooling, cut serve and enjoy!
The little ones sure enjoyed this treat!  It took everything I had to keep my husband away from the roll.  I promised him I'd make more :) I hope you try it out and enjoy it as much as we do!
Happy November all!!!

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