
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mission semi-impossible: more pics WITH my kids

So I was reading the Scary Mommy blog the other day and she wrote a post about the lack of self in all her pics with her kids!  As I am reading, I am realizing that I always do the same thing!  I have oodles and oodles of pictures OF my kids, but not as many of me WITH them.  Mostly, it's because I am the one behind the camera, or sometimes it's because I feel like I look yucky that particular day.  I have plenty of pictures of my kids with other people, like Daddy, or aunts/uncles/cousins...when we visit with my family I make sure to take lots of pictures with each person, so that they will remember everyone. 
After my mom passed earlier this year, my brother, sister and I went through all her pictures dividing them up so we each had some from when we were younger.  I noticed that I guess my mom did the same thing because the pics of her WITH us were few and far between.  She hated us taking her picture, but I made it a point to have some of her with each of my kids, so that they can always remember Mimi.  Someday, my peas will be sitting around going through all my "old" pics, and I've decided that I want my face everywhere!  I know they will appreciate that when they are grown and have peas of their own.
One benefit of posing with your kids, is that you can use them as a blocker to your "less than flattering" sections!  Bonus!

(I hate this pic of me...yuck!  It's a good thing Hannah is so dang cute in it!)

So I am making it a goal of mine to make sure I am taking more pics WITH my kids, individually and as a group.  I encourage you all to do the same :)


  1. Sounds like a good New Years Resolution to me :)

  2. Same goes in this house! We carry the kids and there's no proof we existed :)
    I love the first picture, it looks like Abby and Jacob can't get away from that picture fast enough!


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