
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Birthday Blow-out!!

Well, I have to say that a Pump it Up party is AWESOME!!  Not only for the kids, but for the parents (more specifically the moms!).  Last night I baked and rolled cake pops. Today, what did I do??  NOTHING until about noon.  I was even in my pj's until lunch.  Why did I do nothing?  Because I didn't have to scrub my house top to bottom to prep for a party! Now, I like parties at home, we will be having one for Hannah in just two short months, but this was a nice change.  We arrived at Pump it Up and passed off my goodies and snacks to a nice high school girl who set all my treats out and then we got to play and enjoy ourselves!  Yes, I said it: PLAY.  No worrying about refills on drinks, no entertaining kids, no cooking or cleaning up a mess.  It was great.  Bonus: my kids and their friends had a blast!  Like, a super-duper blast.  It was great to see all their little sweaty faces running around playing :)

Here are a few highlights from the event.
Getting excited for their big party. Ok, who am I kidding. They were excited when their eyes opened.
Abby and her BFF, Lauren.
Jacob and his buddy, Chase.  No one is looking at the camera- what else is new ;)
Abby and Daddy, mid-jump time.
Hannah was like "I don't DO jumpies" in the she played with her friend Anna.
Abby and Kenzie- action shot!
Jake going so fast down the slide, my camera couldn't keep up with him!
Mama and Hannah...I don't like this pic of me, oh well!
I even got to socialize with my Wives Club!
Even the babies had fun!  Thanks Riley for posing for me!
Pump it up makes me wanna jump jump!!
Climbing up the flag wall.  Jake was very determined to get all the flags.
Cupcakes turned out nice!
Cake pops were a hit, as usual!
Two peas sitting in the "thinking chair" as Hannah called it...
Overall, it was quite a success.  And now, I will sit back and enjoy my glass of wine, because what I'm NOT doing right up after a big party!
Happy 7th and 5th birthday to my Abigail Elizabeth and Jacob Elway!

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