
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Girl's room re-do

So, our girls share a room.  I knew I always wanted to get them bunk beds when Hannah was out of the crib.  They would not only look cute but save some massive space! So over the fall break I decided to get it done and do a re-do of their bedroom. 
Here's what their room looked like before:
Cute, but busy and FULL.  They didn't have much space so play in there and lots of their toys were still in the living room, which i am slowly trying to weed out.  I painted this room 8 months pregnant with Jacob for Abby's "big girl" room. We upgraded her to a twin bed when she was 20 months to get the crib ready for new baby Jake.  So, although I liked the purple, I was tired of it.  We were ready for a change! 
I knew I wanted white bunk beds, to match their dresser and book shelf.  After much searching online and in some stores I found a nice and inexpensive set at (I know, I!?! It had great reviews and was a known brand) After I found the set, next came the bedding search.  I ended up finding a beautiful quilt set at on clearance and ordered two. It was more pink so I knew I wanted to go bold with the wall color.  After some deliberation I decided on a "tiffany blue", which was technically called Sweet Rhapsody by Behr at The Home Depot.  So I got to work!  Painting, trimming, decal applying, new art work...and **drum roll please** here are the final results!!
Here is their pretty new animal prints.  They look so cute on the blue walls!!
Here is the "baby corner". All this crap was in my living room so I'm glad to have it in their room!
And their beds!!!  SO cute, eh??  I think so.  They are the perfect size for them, not too high.  They LOVE them.  I also LOVE the bedding. It looks awesome with the walls!  It's a great color combo :)
Everything stands out more against this color, I am SERIOUSLY in love with it.  The owls are adorable too.  I wasn't sure where I wanted to put them because I originally thought they'd look cute in the tree but then Abby decided on this more "mod" tree so they didn't quite go together.  I finally thought they'd look cute above the doors and boy, was I right!  They look smashing up there!!
Under the bed, I'm using these baskets as stuffed animal storage. Neat and tidy, just how I like it. Also, Hannah has some wicked cute new owl sheets to boot :)

Baskets organized by toy type.  Two for babies, two for dolls and one for ponies.

Abby's "A" looks great up here.  Hannah's "H" is on the dresser.  Tutorial on these to follow tomorrow!
Overall, I am very happy with their room.  I think it looks just the right combo of "big and little" girl.  They love it too and are really enjoying their bunks.  Or "bonk beds", as Abby keeps calling them.  The only thing I still need is a new throw rug for them. I may just make one if I can't find one I like.  Yes, I said "make" :)
Thanks for taking the tour with me!  I hope you enjoyed looking at it! :)



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